Member-only story
Unsure about your career choice? Try working for an early stage startup to gain some clarity. You’ll learn a lot about yourself along the way.
Struggling to find something you enjoy doing for a living, but passionate about the technology industry? If your personal situation allows the gamble, I recommend giving an early stage startup a shot. This is why.
I’m addicted to startup culture—I love the excitement and the energy. I love the experience of watching a company grow from a small group of people passionate about helping their target audience solve a problem, to seeing a product come to life that makes customers’ daily lives easier and more productive. Every early stage startup has it’s own culture. I’ve been part of the startup industry for 12+ years now, and have been incredibly fortunate to have ended up at two extremely successful startups in a row.
The two companies I’ve worked for started in what I’ve donned startup mode. Everyone does everything. Titles are fluid, people come together to support one another and do whatever needs to be done to be successful. It’s a little crazy, you learn new things every day, and end up helping with roles you never expected to encounter during your career. My titles have been Software Trainer, Product UX Editor, UX and Content Strategist, and now I’m Senior Manager of Design…